The Fourth Trimester and onward
I smiled, I laughed, I cried! That’s how I ‘d summarize my first year of being a mom.
(If you’re looking for information on the first three trimesters during the pregnancy journey, then these videos are just for you!)
As I complete a year of being a mom, I would want to share some highlights of each quarter:
Q1 (Month 1, 2, 3): The Fourth trimester
The first three months after delivering the baby are termed as the Fourth Trimester. They say that’s the hardest and indeed, it was harder than the three trimesters of carrying the baby inside. The worst part is that no one prepares you for what’s coming next. All everyone keeps saying around you is “ Congratulations! Enjoy the pregnancy!”. No one prepares you for the immense amount of pain you are going to go through once you check in at the hospital. You can listen to my postpartum story here and also subscribe to the channel in goodwill. ;)
Every birthing story is different and you have to fight your own situation. I was unaware that giving birth to a baby takes a toll on your body and recovery is so hard! I took longer than 90 days to feel confident about walking and running or everyday workout is something that I still haven’t resumed.
There is a sense of joy and fulfillment that no other experience can offer(talking of experiences, I ‘ve had many!). You experience breastfeeding for the first time and what it means to be a parent. They say, your life and priorities change from here onward. It really does!
You are still learning about the baby’s needs and how to perform the routine chores (feeding, bathing, massaging, diaper changing and others).
It takes a while to sink in that your life has changed and you are a mom now but it gets better with time. ❤
Q2 (Month 4, 5, 6):
3 months is a significant milestone for a new born, you understand your baby’s cues better than before. You start feeling a little more confident about yourself and your baby. If you are entitled to a 6 months maternity leave, then this quarter is going to be the best time! The baby starts to roll over, play with their fingers, smiles back at you and has started cooing already. That smile is so so precious! that toothless smile from a 3–4 month old.. ah! so cute! ❤
If you are breastfeeding your baby, then you will start to experience the goodness in it because the bond is stronger and the latch is stronger! Your baby just moves a little by now so it’s possible that your baby will be at the same place if you step away for a little chore. It’s not going to be the same for long, sink it in! ;)
My message to all new or future moms: Don’t fall for any free advises from family, relatives, friends around massaging, bathing and feeding the baby; food you can eat/not eat, witch’s milk and baby nipples, baby drool, baby milestones and a lot more. Educate yourself by reading the right books published by qualified doctors, I read ‘Dr SPOCK’s Baby and Childcare in INDIA’. Thanks to my partner for finding the book. 😃 It had answers to all my questions!
And, yeah! it’s also a good time to travel with your baby and make memories. It’s easy and manageable because the baby is either on formula or breast milk till 6 months. No fuss! We did a 9 days road trip (Delhi -> Jaipur -> Udaipur) and it was a good decision. If you plan to do a road trip with a 5–6 month old then car seat is recommended, we used Joie i-Snug 3-in-1 infant carrier for all our long duration car rides until she was 10 months. After the baby grows up a little, it’s a different story all together.
It’s super cute to see your baby move back and forth as they attempt to sit and then roll over! :D
Q3 (Month 7, 8, 9):
Oh no! Your maternity leave is over (if that’s the case ;) ) and you want/need to resume work. The thought that’s been bothering you for over 2 weeks now is a reality and you either step out or work from home. Take all the support you can get, don’t hesitate to ask for help! Getting back to work and setting the baby’s routine can be a little taxing in the first month. You might have thoughts of quitting your job and be a SAHM(Stay At Home Mom), those are normal thoughts.. hang on tight!
It’s also time to start giving solids to the baby, feels like a new task. ;) But yeah, you will figure that out! Hand mashed food is better than puree, would be my one liner. As your baby starts to eat solids, the poop texture and timings also change. 💩 Eeeeeee…
It’s a pleasure to see your baby starting to crawl, mine started crawling at 8.5 months. Mine enjoyed crawling for long enough. And, then seeing your baby to stand with support is another milestone.
How can I forget the little teeth that will start to show up, those are so so cute. And, you hear that first crunch sound so loud and clear when they bite a cookie/biscuit just like the one in Television. ;)
I feel, 5–8 months has been the most beautiful and joyous time!
Q4 (Month 10, 11, 12):
Oh wait, it’s Q4 and your baby is going to be ONE soon! The routine chores like massaging and bathing the baby, changing diapers are not that easy as they were. Your baby can crawl faster and can move from one place to another in the blink of an eye. They are better at eating solids than before.
The curiosity levels are super high and they are reaching out for things around the house. Switches attract them the most and you need to get the safety covers, nevertheless, how cute is the sight to see those little hands attempting to do ON/OFF. I am sure you got ‘Stacking rings’ for your baby by now and it’s this quarter that your baby will be able to do it well. Another milestone! ;)
At 12 months, doctor recommended that it’s time to start using a tooth brush to clean those tiny little teeth. I can’t express the feeling of this little one starting to stand next to me with her brush almost every morning. ;)
It’s also the time when you buy their first shoes and you realize how sweet is that squeaky sound which used you be annoying until it was from your own kid’s shoe. 😜 Some are walking before their first birthday and some aren’t, whichever be the case just be patient and wait until your child is ready.
My message to all new moms: Motherhood is challenging and there will be moments of frustration but just hang in there.. things will be okay! Be mindfully present with your babies whenever you are. :)
Let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed reading my story. ;)